What if you could wear the same outfit you wore a decade ago?

What if you could do it while feeling healthier, happier, and more energetic than ever before?

I'm so proud of Lesley. A yo-yo dieter and stress eater, who had tried every 'diet' imaginable.

Having put on 4 stone over a 10 year period, she really wanted to get back into THE beautiful and expensive designer dress for her 60th birthday that she had worn for her 50th.

She needed to lose weight, yes, but more importantly, she wanted to feel comfortable in her own body. She wanted to move easily, to reclaim her energy, and rediscover her zest for life.

Struggling with:

- mental fog
- low mood
- chronic fatigue syndrome
- aching joints

This wasn't just about shedding pounds; it was about embracing a new way of life and mindset - not just for now, but learning sustainable lifestyle habits for the rest of her life.

As she says in the video "I don't give a damn what the scales say," but instead focusses on how she feels: healthy, energetic, and full of life.

But don't just read this, listen to her short video above to learn more.

What a transformation!

Want to know how you can also feel like this? DM me #360PRIME

Are you ready to break free from feeling stuck in a midlife rut and improve your health, strength, and energy, while helping you lose weight and boost your body confidence - both mentally and physically.

Please click below for details:
360PRIME - Primal Zone Coaching Programmes — The Primal Zone ®

Or, to book a call please click on https://theprimalzone.as.me/30MinuteCall


Why wait until after Christmas to start working on a healthier, more confident you?

Of course, I understand, there are so many other distractions in the run up to the festive season that seem to take priority above yourself and your wellbeing.

A welcome annual return to celebrating this special time of the year with family, friends and work colleagues. Except this usually ends up with us feeling bleurgh (!!) = bloated, lethargic, lost our get up and go and admitting the overindulgence of 'not the best choices' hasn't done our waistline and energy any favours.

The New Year provides an ideal opportunity to start feeling confident in your body and mind but imagine 'bouncing' into 2024 already feeling you've got your va va voom back!  Rather than being one of those crawling towards the new gym membership or ‘diet’ group.

It's easy to get stuck in a rut, feeling less than your best and thinking it's just part of getting older. But, I assure you, it doesn't have to be that way. I've been there and I know it can be different.

Waiting for a health scare, or being put on medication, or even having an operation before deciding to change is not the way to go. These are all things that can be avoided by making the right lifestyle choices now.

When you decide you want to stop feeling like you've lost your spark and start improving your body confidence, that's when the magic happens.

Imagine feeling energetic, confident, and capable of making clear, good decisions. Picture being in control and empowered in your life.

If this sounds like something you want, I invite you to join me on my 360Prime programme.

360Prime is a high-level 121 12-week programme that aims to help you feel like your younger self again.  It's designed to break you free from feeling stuck in a midlife rut and improve your health, strength, and energy, while helping you lose weight and boost your body confidence - both mentally and physically.

So, are YOU ready to make change, experience transformation?

Click below for details:
360PRIME - Primal Zone Coaching Programmes — The Primal Zone ®



Meet Siraj: Before the Transformation

Siraj, a business owner who, at the age of 36, found himself under a lot of stress. His life was pretty much dominated by the demands of his business and young family, leaving him with virtually no time for self-care.

As a result, his health suffered, with risks that were kindly highlighted by his doctor - at such a young age he was looking at type 2 diabetes, risk of stroke, etc.

He tipped the scales at 21 stone and struggled with aching joints which meant hobbies, sports and active family time were neglected . His lifestyle lacked any focus on movement, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. His sleep pattern was irregular, and he found himself constantly exhausted.

16 Weeks of Transformation with 360Prime

Over the course of 16 weeks, he underwent a remarkable change. He lost 27 pounds and 7 inches off his waist by the 9th week. For the first time in years, he started jogging and walking up to 20,000 steps daily. He incorporated daily meditation into his routine, which helped him manage stress and improve sleep patterns. His joint aches disappeared, and he reported increased energy and mental clarity.

Continuing the Journey: Siraj Today

Fast forward to 2023, and Siraj, now 39, is a testament to the ongoing power of transformation. He is a shining example of what can be achieved when you prioritise your health and wellbeing. His journey to rediscovering and regaining good health, strength, energy, and body confidence, both mentally and physically, is an ongoing one. He proves that if you are prepared to invest in yourself, it is possible to turn things around for the better, regardless of your current circumstances.

Are you inspired by Siraj's transformation?

Do you want to feel confident in your body and what it can do for you in the years ahead? Where losing weight has made you more mobile, your joints don’t ache and you are enjoying more movement and exercise?

If you're ready to take the first step towards a healthier, more vibrant you, my high level 1:1 programme, 360Prime, may be just the kickstart you need.

Are you ready to get your spark back?


Thank you for signing up to receive your FREE ebook copy of “The Primal Zone Cookbook”

After 30 years of inflammatory health issues, I found lifestyle habits to relieve not only my OWN symptoms, but also those and other symptoms in my clients. (About us — The Primal Zone ®)

I realized through my own journey, I was stuck in a rut, putting up with feeling rubbish and believing that this health decline was part of the aging process, but that does NOT need to be the “norm”.

80% of your body composition, health, and aging is determined by what you EAT and by transitioning to the foods that SUPPORT a healthy body should not be difficult.

“The Primal Zone Cookbook” contains 50 simple recipes for delicious, colourful and nutritious meals that:

- Assist in reducing inflammatory conditions

- Support a healthy body

- Use easy to find ingredients

- Let you know exactly what you’re eating with macronutrient breakdown

I hope you enjoy trying out these new recipes. By improving the quality of your nutritional intake and sustaining the right habits, you will notice an improvement in mental clarity, energy and bloatedness and likely experience weight loss to boot.

If you are wanting to feel like you’ve uncovered the secret to feeling energetic, confident and able to make clear and good decisions, check out my high level 1:1 programme, 360 Prime, which will give you the know-how and confidence to finally start to feel healthier, stronger, vibrant and excited for life in your 40’s, 50’s and beyond

Very best regards, Sheila


BIG question.  What are you holding on to and not sharing with others that is causing you pain, isolation, and impacting your mental fitness? Trust me, this affects more than you might think

Most of you probably know about my health transformation back in 2008, but there's something I haven't shared until now. It's a lightbulb moment that happened during a chat with my friend and business coach, Niki. We've been having great conversations lately, easy and interesting,

In our most recent conversations, Niki brought up a radio interview I did during Mental Health Awareness Week in 2021. She mentioned how surprised she was when I revealed that my friends and family had no idea what I was going through at the time.

That moment made me realize something important—I hadn't been completely upfront in that interview or in other discussions about my struggles. But why?

Well, there were a multitude of reasons:

Fear of failure
The dreaded "I told you so"
Financial burden
Not wanting to burden loved ones
Concern for my kids
A need for control

I was trapped, physically, mentally, financially, emotionally, and legally. And it's easy to say now, but back then, opening up and being vulnerable seemed impossible.

Fast forward to today, and I can honestly say I'm in the best mental, physical, and emotional shape of my life. And I love what I do.

So, let me ask you again: What are you holding on to that's causing you mental upset and challenges? It's time to talk to someone. Reach out to your doctor, professionals, or a trusted community. Be brutally honest.

I unintentionally hurt people by not sharing, but they would've been there for me in a heartbeat. I get it; it's tough when the elastic band ball is tight in your head. But remember, they understand, and a little hand-holding along the way can make all the difference.

Always good to have a lightbulb moment 💡

Does this resonate with you? Are you finding it difficult to untangle that elastic band ball in your head and separate the stresses in your life from the day to day activities. Give me a call if you’d like to discuss - https://theprimalzone.as.me/30MinuteCall


Are you a people pleaser? Do you tend to put others before yourself?

While it's important to be considerate and kind, constantly putting others' needs above your own can take a toll on your mental and physical health.

Here's 6 examples of how people pleasing can make you sick:

1. Stress and Anxiety: Constantly worrying about meeting others' expectations and seeking their approval can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. This, in turn, can weaken your immune system and lead to a range of health issues, including tiredness, colds, infections, stomach upsets.

2. Burnout: Overcommitting yourself, juggling multiple tasks and obligations. This can lead to burnout, a state of physical and emotional exhaustion that can manifest in various health problems.

3. Suppressed Emotions: When you prioritise others' feelings over your own, you may suppress your emotions. This emotional suppression can lead to psychological distress and may even manifest physically, causing headaches, muscle tension, and other health challenges.

4. Lowered Self-Esteem: Constantly seeking validation from others can erode your self-esteem. This negative self-image can lead to depression and other mental fitness challenges.

5. Neglected Self-Care: If you are busy putting others first, you may find yourself neglecting your own self care. This can be in the form of a regular exercise routine, eating well and getting enough restful sleep. All in favour of catering to others.

6. Strained Relationships: Surprisingly (or maybe not!) people pleasing behaviour can add strain to relationships (family, friends, work colleagues) as it often leads to resentment.


Prioritising yourself is an UNSELFISH ACT

You and everyone else benefits from you being :

healthy - happy - peaceful - fit - strong - energised - focussed

Set healthy boundaries, prioritise your own needs, learn to say NO and find that balance.


Think about your dad and the impact he had on you. I remember my father fondly, but he wasn’t perfect by any means.

We all want our children to look up to us, to see us as someone they can emulate. Are you their superhero? Consider what your behaviours and habits are teaching them and how they encourage them to learn, grow and be their own person.

Are they seeing you:

  • Pursuing passions

  • Showing interest in life

  • Being present

  • Prioritising exercise and health

  • Taking time for yourself

  • Nurturing friendships

  • Always learning

  • Going on adventures

  • Engaging in their interests

  • Demonstrating a strong work ethic

  • Giving them the freedom to fail, learn and succeed

  • Sharing laughter?

Or are they witnessing:

  • A sedentary lifestyle

  • Health issues due to neglect

  • Dependence on medications

  • Lifestyle-related diseases

  • Low mood and disinterest

  • Harmful habits like smoking and excessive drinking

  • Low self-esteem and body confidence

  • Sabotaging your health goals

  • Frustration, anger, and depression

  • Absence due to long work hours

  • Self-disgust

  • Addiction to unhealthy foods

  • Social isolation

If you see yourself in the second list, what will it take to make a change?

Consider what you stand to lose:

  • Health

  • Respect

  • Desire

  • Excitement

  • Future

  • Career

  • Family

  • Marriage

  • Friendships

  • Money

If you want to be that good role model to your children, you must stop normalising weakness and embrace excellence (in whatever form that takes for you to feel proud of setting a positive example).

Taking care of yourself will mean more time with loved ones, good energy and health.  Make this decision for your children and grandchildren, if not for you!  It’s never too late.

Ask yourself, what message are you giving by your behaviours?



As a health coach helping midlifers achieve stunning results in both physical and mental health, I obviously have to practice what I preach.

I've never done a box jump before and, although the form is probably not perfect and there is definitely a wobble or two, it certainly took me out of my comfort zone and I needed plenty of fearlessness, power and strength. With encouragement from my fellow training partner (Shaz), I faced the fear and came away feeling empowered and a little bit sassy!!

I often ask the question "What do you want YOUR body to do for you when you hit 50, 60, 70, 80 and onwards? Not just for today’s challenges but for the rest of your life".

Heading towards a new decade myself, I want to feel strong, energised, toned, confident in my ability to move with flexibility, mobility and balance, so that I can enjoy life's adventures and new experiences as I age.

I already feel pretty damn good, better than I did in my 20s, 30s and 40s having struggled with inflammatory challenges, so this is to ensure I can continue feel great as long as I can. All about longevity!

What adventures, challenges or fun projects and achievements do you wish to fulfil? Is there something that you used to be able to that you would like to revisit? What is holding you back?

Anyone fancy joining me on a challenge? Trying something new?


Dogs begin each day with a rebooted mental state and a happy heart.

When interactions are driven by gratitude, it makes life a lot easier. Dogs don't have our complex long term memory bank, but possess short term memories. They exist for the now and don't bring past incidents into present dynamics. So you told them off last week? Forgotten. You only took them out for one walk yesterday? Forgotten and forgiven.

How often do we hear the saying 'live for today', 'today is a gift, that's why it's called present'? By focussing on the past or too much into the future, we are missing the 'now' and the beauty of today. You won't get today again.

Let's work on letting go of grudges or upset or even current anxiety about a scenario? Can you actually change the situation? No? So focus on things where you can actually have an impact on the outcome. It's an exercise that needs daily practice. By surrendering things not in your control is an amazingly cathartic experience.

That's what dogs do. Reboot and refresh.

ZERO LIVES LEFT - Overcoming Health Challenges: A Journey to Better Wellness

I was recently interviewed by the fabulous Wayne Denner on his Zero Lives Left podcast. To say it was a unique experience is an understatement with Wayne’s animated and comfortable style of interviewing (he could easily head up a TV show) and the fact that we were “live” over YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn simultaneously. No pressure then!

We enjoyed chatting about:

  • how we have forgotten what ‘feeling good’ actually feels like

  • our own health struggles and transformation

  • plus one of my favourite subjects ‘are your lifestyle choices making you sick?’

I have shared our stimulating discussion here, but also Wayne’s commentary (post interview) below:

“I've been receiving some fantastic feedback on the latest episode of the podcast I dive into a thought-provoking discussion on health and wellness with the amazing Sheila Docker - The Primal Zone® as well as sharing some of my own health struggles along the way

Here are three key takeaways from this episode that you won't want to miss:

Empowering Health and Wellness: Sheila is truly passionate about empowering individuals to take charge of their own health and wellness. As someone who has personally experienced and overcome inflammatory health challenges over the course of 30 years, she emphasizes the importance of making lifestyle changes to improve energy, mental clarity, physical appearance, and overall well-being.

Mindful Eating and Intermittent Fasting: Sheila's approach to eating focuses on returning to simpler, basic foods for better health. She explores the concept of intermittent fasting, highlighting its potential benefits like weight loss, enhanced insulin sensitivity, heart health, reduced inflammation, increased mental clarity and energy, and cellular repair. She shares practical tips on gradually incorporating fasting into your routine and emphasizes the need for high-quality nutrition during the eating window.

Prioritizing Wellness for Business Owners and Professionals: Sheila recognizes the unique challenges faced by small business owners, entrepreneurs, and management professionals when it comes to balancing personal well-being and professional growth. She offers a holistic approach to well-being, addressing nutrition, sleep management, stress reduction, movement, sun exposure, play, and social connection. This program aims to help individuals make sustainable changes for long-term well-being and performance.

Don't miss out on this insightful conversation! Tune in to the Zero Lives Left Podcast or via Spotify, All Cast, iTunes and all good podcasting platforms.”

If you found the interview entertaining and would like further insights and resources on accountability and wellness, or maybe you have lost sight of your goals and would like to get back on track; feel stronger and more energetic; improve your mood and zest for life, plus be more confident (mentally and physically) click on https://theprimalzone.as.me/discovery for a complimentary and confidential 60 minute discussion about your challenges and aspirations.