Think about your dad and the impact he had on you. I remember my father fondly, but he wasn’t perfect by any means.

We all want our children to look up to us, to see us as someone they can emulate. Are you their superhero? Consider what your behaviours and habits are teaching them and how they encourage them to learn, grow and be their own person.

Are they seeing you:

  • Pursuing passions

  • Showing interest in life

  • Being present

  • Prioritising exercise and health

  • Taking time for yourself

  • Nurturing friendships

  • Always learning

  • Going on adventures

  • Engaging in their interests

  • Demonstrating a strong work ethic

  • Giving them the freedom to fail, learn and succeed

  • Sharing laughter?

Or are they witnessing:

  • A sedentary lifestyle

  • Health issues due to neglect

  • Dependence on medications

  • Lifestyle-related diseases

  • Low mood and disinterest

  • Harmful habits like smoking and excessive drinking

  • Low self-esteem and body confidence

  • Sabotaging your health goals

  • Frustration, anger, and depression

  • Absence due to long work hours

  • Self-disgust

  • Addiction to unhealthy foods

  • Social isolation

If you see yourself in the second list, what will it take to make a change?

Consider what you stand to lose:

  • Health

  • Respect

  • Desire

  • Excitement

  • Future

  • Career

  • Family

  • Marriage

  • Friendships

  • Money

If you want to be that good role model to your children, you must stop normalising weakness and embrace excellence (in whatever form that takes for you to feel proud of setting a positive example).

Taking care of yourself will mean more time with loved ones, good energy and health.  Make this decision for your children and grandchildren, if not for you!  It’s never too late.

Ask yourself, what message are you giving by your behaviours?