Dogs begin each day with a rebooted mental state and a happy heart.

When interactions are driven by gratitude, it makes life a lot easier. Dogs don't have our complex long term memory bank, but possess short term memories. They exist for the now and don't bring past incidents into present dynamics. So you told them off last week? Forgotten. You only took them out for one walk yesterday? Forgotten and forgiven.

How often do we hear the saying 'live for today', 'today is a gift, that's why it's called present'? By focussing on the past or too much into the future, we are missing the 'now' and the beauty of today. You won't get today again.

Let's work on letting go of grudges or upset or even current anxiety about a scenario? Can you actually change the situation? No? So focus on things where you can actually have an impact on the outcome. It's an exercise that needs daily practice. By surrendering things not in your control is an amazingly cathartic experience.

That's what dogs do. Reboot and refresh.