The Primal Zone is here for you every step of the way, with personalised guidance and support through a number of different programmes to achieve your individual and team goals.

Email us at

Office: +44 (0)7855 613 111

Sheila is based in the South East of England and offers individual, corporate and group coaching across the UK. Offering online courses on a global scale, letting the power of technology bring us together!


let’s chat!

All it takes to change, is one first step.

This could be as simple as scheduling a FREE discovery call to see if I’m the right person to help you on your journey to a better life.

Calls consist of a confidential and free 30-60 minute introductory conversation over the phone, free of any judgement or pressure. I just want to get to know you. For all enquiries or to book your free Discovery Call, contact:

Alternatively you can sign up for a call using the form below:

All data collected is subject to our strict privacy policy