Are you a people pleaser? Do you tend to put others before yourself?

While it's important to be considerate and kind, constantly putting others' needs above your own can take a toll on your mental and physical health.

Here's 6 examples of how people pleasing can make you sick:

1. Stress and Anxiety: Constantly worrying about meeting others' expectations and seeking their approval can lead to chronic stress and anxiety. This, in turn, can weaken your immune system and lead to a range of health issues, including tiredness, colds, infections, stomach upsets.

2. Burnout: Overcommitting yourself, juggling multiple tasks and obligations. This can lead to burnout, a state of physical and emotional exhaustion that can manifest in various health problems.

3. Suppressed Emotions: When you prioritise others' feelings over your own, you may suppress your emotions. This emotional suppression can lead to psychological distress and may even manifest physically, causing headaches, muscle tension, and other health challenges.

4. Lowered Self-Esteem: Constantly seeking validation from others can erode your self-esteem. This negative self-image can lead to depression and other mental fitness challenges.

5. Neglected Self-Care: If you are busy putting others first, you may find yourself neglecting your own self care. This can be in the form of a regular exercise routine, eating well and getting enough restful sleep. All in favour of catering to others.

6. Strained Relationships: Surprisingly (or maybe not!) people pleasing behaviour can add strain to relationships (family, friends, work colleagues) as it often leads to resentment.


Prioritising yourself is an UNSELFISH ACT

You and everyone else benefits from you being :

healthy - happy - peaceful - fit - strong - energised - focussed

Set healthy boundaries, prioritise your own needs, learn to say NO and find that balance.