As a health coach helping midlifers achieve stunning results in both physical and mental health, I obviously have to practice what I preach.
I've never done a box jump before and, although the form is probably not perfect and there is definitely a wobble or two, it certainly took me out of my comfort zone and I needed plenty of fearlessness, power and strength. With encouragement from my fellow training partner (Shaz), I faced the fear and came away feeling empowered and a little bit sassy!!
I often ask the question "What do you want YOUR body to do for you when you hit 50, 60, 70, 80 and onwards? Not just for today’s challenges but for the rest of your life".
Heading towards a new decade myself, I want to feel strong, energised, toned, confident in my ability to move with flexibility, mobility and balance, so that I can enjoy life's adventures and new experiences as I age.
I already feel pretty damn good, better than I did in my 20s, 30s and 40s having struggled with inflammatory challenges, so this is to ensure I can continue feel great as long as I can. All about longevity!
What adventures, challenges or fun projects and achievements do you wish to fulfil? Is there something that you used to be able to that you would like to revisit? What is holding you back?
Anyone fancy joining me on a challenge? Trying something new?