Then, this complete 360 TRANSFORMATION of your life is for you.

HIGH LEVEL 1:1 12 and 24 week Coaching Programmes are for go-getting professionals who want to feel happier, healthier, stronger and more excited for life beyond their 40s.

  • You’ve lost your brightness and drive.  Feels like your spark has gone, and you’ve lost your purpose, which has brought anxiety, low mood and lethargy.

  • You’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, struggling to switch off from work, and finding it hard to rediscover joy and motivation amidst the pressure. Looking to find a balance between work, family, health, and personal time.

  • You’re looking in the mirror, embarrassed that you’ve let yourself go.  You’ve lost your confidence in how you look and feel.

  • You feel tired and fuzzy-headed most of the time, which impacts your concentration and decision-making.

  • You are feeling self-conscious and exhausted with constant gut issues and body inflammation, which is leaving you isolated and embarrassed to socialise.

  • You are not feeling ‘sexy’ anymore, your libido is low, and because of that, you lack confidence and desire to put yourself out there in case of rejection.

  • You are feeling exhausted because of your broken sleep and you struggle mentally and physically.

  • You are stuck in a rut, putting up with feeling shit and believing ‘this is part of growing old’, which is preventing you from enjoying sports and hobbies.



For over 30 years, I'd had constant inflammation in my gut (our second brain).  This left me with irritated skin, achy joints and migraines.

The bloating and brain fog left me feeling self-conscious of social situations, work presentations and travel schedules. 

I wasn’t sleeping. My energy and mood were up and down all the time, and this then impacted my confidence.

I felt like I was purely existing, and this was as good as life got.

I was put on medication to help with the challenges, and after years of taking medication along with the inflammation already inside my body, it led to having to have two serious operations. Operations that could have been avoided if I'd taken care of the inflammation in my body in the first place.

  • You’ve uncovered the secret to feeling ENERGETIC, CONFIDENT and able to make clear and GOOD DECISIONS

  • You've nailed the balance, leaving work stress behind and feeling MOTIVATED again. JOY and PASSION are back in your life.

  • The constant health issues have calmed, and you have come off medications, meaning you FEEL NORMAL and not embarrassed

  • You’re feeling CONFIDENT IN YOUR BODY and what it can do for you in the years ahead

  • Losing weight has made you more mobile, YOUR JOINTS DON’T ACHE, and you are enjoying more movement and exercise 

  • Feel more in control and EMPOWERED in your life

  • Wake up feeling RESTED and ready for the day

  • You’re feeling FITTER, STRONGER and HEALTHIER than 20 years ago

  • You’re EXCITED to get back to the sports and hobbies you love

  • You know there’s an ENERGY around you, people take notice 

  • You have your SPARK back - va va voom!!!

  • You’re keeping your WEIGHT OFF as you have the daily strategies to keep it sustainable

  • ENJOYING the attention of your partner again

  • Master the balance between work and life, letting go of pressure, and reigniting your motivation. Discover the path to bringing joy and passion back into your daily routine

  • Learn how to reduce stress and anxiety to guarantee you are sharper, more focused and more confident

  • Uncover the secret to feeling energetic, confident and able to make clear and good decisions in life and work

  • Learn how to feel confident that you’re choosing the right foods every day to guarantee food is not your main focus of the day to keep your weight off long term and sustainably

  • Discover movement that strengthens and enhances your physical fitness, balance, flexibility and tone so you can feel STRONGER and FITTER in your midlife years

  • Learn how to reduce bloating to ensure you can reduce your medication, stop feeling uncomfortable and start enjoying going out without the embarrassment of  your bloating

  • The secret to getting your ‘SEXY’ back, with improved hormones and libido

  • The easy way to prevent brain fog and feeling tired all the time is to guarantee you are energised and ready for the day ahead

  • Welcoming the sports and hobbies you love back into your life gives you new social connections, energy and confidence


Your investment today starts from:

  • £2500 intense 12 week programme (weekly)

  • £3500 24 week programme (bi-weekly)

The value you will get from working with me is priceless.

Clients benefit from:

personalised coaching - complete confidentiality - extensive knowledge - proven experience - unwavering integrity -

transformative results - dedicated support - and enthusiastic cheerleading ❤️


What my Clients say?


Who’s 360 Prime for?

This HIGH LEVEL 1:1 12 or 24 week programme is for you if you’re a go getting professional who wants to feel like they did in their 20’s and 30’s, feel happier, healthier, stronger, more confident and excited for life in your 40’s, 50s and beyond.

This is not for you, if you…

YoU’re someone who wants a quick fix and doesn’t want to put in the work!

You’re not 100% committed to embracing change and discovering the potential of your midlife years!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The intense 1-2-1 3-month coaching programme with weekly sessions starts from £2500.

    A longer 6 month programme with bi-weekly sessions, the investment is £3500.

  • 360 Prime is right for you if you’re a go getting professional who wants to feel like they did in their 20’s and 30’s, feel happier, healthier, stronger and excited for life in your , 40s, 50s, 60’s and beyond.

  • The 360 Prime is NOT a one size fits all programme.  Every part of this 1:1 programme is personalised to each client.

    The value you will get from working with me is priceless. Clients benefit from personalised coaching, complete confidentiality, extensive knowledge, proven experience, unwavering integrity, transformative results, dedicated support, and enthusiastic cheerleading.

  • Apply HERE for the 360 Prime programme - 360 Discovery Call