As we age, it's normal for our bodies to go through changes, but did you know that testosterone levels in men start to decline after the age of 30?

Studies have shown that 40% of men over the age of 45 are affected by low testosterone levels, which can have a significant impact on both your physical and mental health.

So what's causing this drop in testosterone? Although the exact reason is still unknown, evidence suggests that our modern lifestyle, which includes a sedentary lifestyle, high levels of stress, and a diet filled with processed foods, might be to blame.

However, there are steps you can take to naturally boost your testosterone levels. Here are some simple lifestyle changes that you can make:

Get plenty of sunlight

Work towards 7 hours + good quality sleep

Engage in weight lifting or bodyweight training

Limit your alcohol intake

Avoid refined sugars and sugary/starchy carbs

Eat a colourful diet with plenty of protein/healthy fat

Remember, your health and wellness should be a priority. By making positive changes to your lifestyle, seeking support when needed, and taking steps to prevent and manage chronic conditions, you can create a future filled with increased energy, strength, confidence, and clarity.

Choose to take control of your health and make the necessary changes today. Your body will thank you for it!

For a confidential and free initial consultation DM me or complete online calendar form:

#testosterone #musclemass #bonedensity #libido #strength #confidence

Health Challenges For Men In Their 40s, 50s, 60s And Beyond

Health and wellness struggles for men in their 40s, 50s , 60s and beyond include physical, mental, and emotional changes that can impact their overall wellbeing. Some common challenges include:

  1. Physical decline: As men age, their bodies may experience changes such as muscle loss, reduced energy levels, and a decline in overall physical fitness.

  2. Chronic conditions: Men at this age are at a higher risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and arthritis.

  3. Mental fitness issues: Many men in this age group may experience anxiety, depression, and stress as they navigate the changes and challenges of aging.

  4. Sleep problems: Insomnia and other sleep-related issues can be common in this age group, impacting both physical and mental health.

  5. Sexual health: As men age, they may experience changes in sexual function, such as decreased libido and erectile dysfunction, which can impact their emotional well-being.

It's important for men to prioritize their health and wellness by making positive lifestyle changes, seeking support when needed, and taking steps to prevent and manage chronic conditions. This may include regular exercise, a healthy diet, stress management techniques, and regular check-ups with a healthcare provider.

Making simple, sustainable lifestyle changes will create a positive future fuelled by increased energy, strength, confidence and clarity.

Contact or book in for a confidential and complimentary consultation via

21 Day Primal Reset

Our popular 21 day primal reset course takes you through nutritional change and lifestyle transformation. Primal, nutrient-rich diet encourages the brain and body to adopt a ‘fat adapted’, state, rather than a sugar or carb burning focus. By removing foods known to cause inflammation, you will be freeing up your immune system for more important things.  Achieving your lifestyle goals just got incredibly easy!

Are YOU wanting to take steps to improve your health, energy, sleep, stress, relationships, confidence, life?

Welcome to the '21-day Primal Zone Reset' Christmas offer.

Our fabulous 21 day online reset programme is a great way to kick start your metabolism and discover what really makes YOUR body tick.

You alone have the power to control your health, determine body composition and gene expression moving towards a fat burning, muscle building, energy producing beast.

Daily tasks including primal nutrition, movement, sleep, play, stress, social interaction and digital detox, together with primal exercise videos, nutrition plans and recipes; this course encourages you to realise what a ‘fat adapted’ body feels like rather being in a carb/sugar burning state.


#transformation #life #health #energy #strength


Was excited to be approached by Ed Armitage (co-founder) to become one of the first Ambassadors for Take Stock Foods, a UK based award winning bone broth company, which makes one of my favourite superfoods.

Have been making broth for years, and (for those that also love homemade broth), it requires visiting your favourite butcher to get the bones, then slow cooking for a couple of days. That’s perfect, but not always convenient.

So was thrilled to find these broths that can sit in your cupboard are non-gmo, gluten and hormone free. Absolutely love the taste and good way to ‘break a fast’.

If you are not aware, broth is packed with high levels of collagen, protein and amino acids that support your immune system and gut health. Literally the ‘original superfood’.

I’ve mentioned before how I love supporting and collaborating with other UK businesses that align with The Primal Zone’s ethics and that provide products that support mine and my clients health and wellness. Not only that, Take Stock ticks :

- Total supplier traceability

- Sustainably sourced from independent farmers

- 100% recyclable packaging

- Nutritional powerhouse

- My dog loves licking out the cartons

- Lovely people to boot

Anyone wishing to get £5 off their first order, please use discount code: THEPRIMALZONE via the link:

#broth #collagen #guthealth



I'm proud of anyone looking to make positive lifestyle choices. Do you know what the most common reasons my clients give me for taking action?

• Want to get rid of that midlife body

• Want their partner to find them attractive again

• Want to regain the fitness they had when they were younger

• To have energy to play with the kids/grandkids

• Are missing the adventures and hobbies they used to enjoy because of lethargy and low mood

• Approaching retirement and realise they haven't got the health to actually enjoy it

• Be a better role model to their families

• Fed up of feeling fat, sluggish and hormonal

• Empty nesters, children off to university or married - now have time on hands to focus on themselves

• Would like to get off medication for autoimmune, inflammatory and metabolic health conditions

• Deal with stress and sleep better

What's your reason and are YOU ready to take action?

If you'd like to chat about lifestyle changes you'd like to make, please click on link

#makechange #areyouready #health


On a client call recently, we came up with a list of 'Ms' just by chance, in fact in made us stand back in amazement.

Amazing, because it is fabulous how far our sessions have taken her in the past few months.

MEDITATION AND MINDSET - totally on track

MOVEMENT - on plan, shoulders and arms looking and feeling strong all over

MENOPAUSE - feeling settled and stable, following a rocky start

MONEY - putting financially independent plans in place

MOOD - waking up happy

MANIFESTATION - can see her one year trip happening and has started visualising

MUM - she is an amazing mum

MAGNIFICENT - looks and feels good in her clothes and has loads of energy, feels sexy

MOJO - in a great place, loves being naked, great body confidence

A MARVELLOUS feeling for this coach to post about progress.

Again, love my job

#mindset #energy #confidence


Sheila is amazing. She has transformed the lives of some of my patients, through empowering, inspiring and educating. She is passionate about what she does and this shines through in the sessions, helping to motivate individuals in the group setting. She researches thoroughly, before passing on this knowledge in a kind, sensitive and often humorous and light-hearted way!

Not only have my patients lost weight through this real food lower carb approach, but they have come off anti-inflammatory and pain killing medication, started to enjoy daily movement, and have developed a social network of like-minded individuals who all support each other in their journey to better health.

Indeed, some of my patients have started (and are enjoying!) ParkRun, wild swimming, and sharing a sense of achievement through the group, and under Sheila expert guidance.

We are looking forward to setting up more groups who can also benefit from Sheila approach."

This is why I love what I do If you would like to have transformational change in group or one to one coaching sessions, please contact me for a complimentary 30 minute chat to understand your challenges and goals. Click here:

#transformation #parrun #wildswimming #patientexperience #doctor


However, there are the times where you haven't got the ingredients, inclination or the time. Then there is the risk of eating on the go ultra processed pre-prepared 'foods' that don't do me (or others) much good.

So I was thrilled to be invited to start working with another fabulous UK company, Go-Low Baking, based in Yorkshire and ran by the lovely Louise Gross. Louise's 'convenience foods' are incredible mixes made with clean ingredients, absolutely no additives or preservatives.

As a health and wellness coach, I'm always shouting 'put rubbish in, you'll get rubbish out', and when I find companies that share the same ethics and values as myself, then I like to share.

Excitingly and for now exclusively, I can offer a 20% discount on ALL of the Go-Low products by using the code: PRIMALZONE20 when visiting their website -

Righto, off to make the brownies!!

#realfastfood #discount


I am very pleased with my brand, The Primal Zone, as it closely reflects everything I am trying to achieve with my business, namely:

- to help people in as many ways as possible to live a healthier happier life using ‘primal’ or ancestral principles to take back control of their diet and lifestyle.

The Primal Zone brand encapsulates this purpose completely and hence the reason that I have recently registered this as a trademark with the assistance of my friend, John Pryor of Exalt IP Limited.

The Primal Zone ®

I am now allowed to use the registered trademark symbol which not only adds kudos and legitimacy to the brand it puts me in a stronger position should anyone seek to copy or emulate The Primal Zone.

#protection #trademark #strength #brandtobefound


My client, Andy (52) is 2 weeks into our 12 week journey together, although we have been talking for some time.

Andy has quickly turned into a fast moving fat burning beast, although had been feeling totally out of balance, not able to fit into his clothes, fed up of feeling sh*te, plus having heavy responsibilities work and family wise.

Knowing he was struggling, he wanted clear targets and sustainable goals to get him feeling energised, stronger and trimmer.

So just 2 weeks in, I get these incredible photos from the Italian Alps (between Italy and Slovenia) displaying increased energy and strength. True, he was exhausted, but with a 4lb+ weight loss already and recognising that he is still carrying the equivalent to a 44lb backpack, this is impressive. Just look at where he slept for the night. I would love to have a night in a bothy like that in order to wake up to those views!

Andy is an example of wanting to make change so he can live life to its fullest. What incredible views to work for and imagine waking up to that scenery?

“I realised my extra weight is equivalent to a 20Kg backback......that has to go......I was pleased I made it though.....there are other places I want to go here, but I need to be fitter first

Walking was v tough.....not used to it and backpack was heavy..... motivated to be fitter for the next time”


#energy #mountains #strength #motivation #adventure #change