Was again honoured and delighted to support Child Bereavement UK and the incredible work they do lrecently, but this time we were 'in person', which gave a whole new buzz to the day.

I presented an interactive workshop to 60 of the CBUK team which was all about 'how to live awesomely' and gave a taster session of the following:

🥑 Nutrition
🏃‍♀️ Movement
🛌 Sleep
🎵 Play
☀️ Sunlight
💭 Brain use
⚡ Avoiding making stupid mistakes

Would like to thank Ann Chalmers again for inviting me to share how we can reduce the impact of lifestyle based diseases; the fantastic interaction from the audience; the movement volunteers and the excitable group that were found sprinting barefoot in the grass during the coffee break (made my day!).

Of course, as you know, it's all about taking things back to basics, and these are only some of the areas that we discuss as part of a holistic approach to our health and wellbeing.

As a family, we have used the incredible support and guidance that Child Bereavement UK gives to families. They provide sensitive care in supporting bereaved families and this will include 'good communication, responding to the families needs in a timely way, and being emotionally self-aware themselves'. A privilege to work with them. If you are able, please support this amazing charity at all, please visit their website - Child Bereavement UK

#bereavement #charity #awesome


When a zoom meeting is interrupted by a delivery of some of my favourite products. Oopsie!

Quite a few people have been asking me about the collagen I take, plus ideas for healthily alternatives to the sugary processed ketchup and mayonnaise, etc.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the products from Hunter & Gather. UK company, founded by Jeff Webster (who I've interviewed or he interviewed me!) and Amy Moring. Pure unadulterated products, recyclable packaging, no refined sugars, grains or seed oils.

I have the bovine collagen every day, and MCT oil, plus their ketchup and mayo is to die for.

I'm now an affiliate of H&G (their products align totally with my primal ethos) so can offer a 10% discount off any order you make. Just ensure you use my link below and the coupon code SHEILADOCKER.

Referral Link:

Always good to support a UK business!

#uk #realfood #support



Here my client embraced her coaching with openness and commitment. She is a warrior and now ready to enjoy the new adventure

"Sheila helped me to overcome anxiety that I was experiencing with a big life change.

Although the change was a positive move for me I unfortunately couldn’t see this due to my crippling anxiety with the fear of moving on and trying something new.

Sheila provided very helpful techniques and helped me to visualise the pros and cons of each choice through working through each of my fears. She was very patient and also advised how to ‘ride’ through the anxiety.

My ultimate decision which I made mine was mine alone and was made with clarity following my sessions with Sheila.

I would recommend Sheila’s services to anyone wanting to work through changing something in their lives however big or small!"

If you are ready to make change, message me for a free chat!



Sarah has had a very tough couple of years having been diagnosed with breast cancer in October 2020 and going through aggressive chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery since November 2020.  At end of March 2022, she finishes her rounds of chemotherapy (which include 23 tablets per day).

We waited until Sarah was ready mentally and physically before she started working with me. The plan was to build strength, fitness and energy levels, work on mindset and removal of inflammatory foods to calm her body after the treatments.

From Day 1 Sarah astounded me with her drive and determination to make change and the benefits are so obvious to everyone.

Timing was important around treatment and nurse visits and we had to take into consideration days where she may be laid low, but gently and gradually she has turned into a strong, vibrant, energised and confident superhero ready to grasp life and new adventures.

Everything was new for Sarah, which is why these small changes in lifestyle can have such an incredibly positive and sustainable impact.

Sarah says “Since being diagnosed, I’ve experienced so many different emotions whilst maintaining a positive attitude, which hasn’t always been easy. My faith has helped me through those difficult and uncertain times, but I feel like now is my time to shine in both mind and body!

From starting my coaching with Sheila, my entire outlook on life has changed. I feel more energised, comfortable in my skin and have a new lease of life. Sheila has been amazing helping me every step of the way.

What surprised me was that during our coaching sessions (which included a lot of walking as I’m fairly local to Sheila) we discussed strategies for dealing with stresses that were having an impact on my life; how to make decisions and which things to let go of.  It truly helped me to talk things through.

I wasn’t specifically looking to lose weight, but I did and my body composition has changed, plus there was no calorie counting.  What I have found is my energy and confidence have improved massively, but also I have a new zest for life. 

So much so, I have started looking at ‘comfortable’ clubbing shoes, so I can dance all night and I have commenced training for the Moonwalk 2022 on 14th May (breast cancer charity Walk the Walk).   No one would have thought I would be dancing and planning to power walk a marathon 6 months ago.

I honestly feel better at nearly 50 than I have in the past 10 years.  I know I look and feel strong, sexy, healthy, and ready to take on new challenges.  I hope I am an inspiration to others.

This is a permanent lifestyle change for me and I question why the healthcare system doesn’t encourage us to live like this automatically, it would have really helped through the time I was in treatment by nurturing my body and mind.

Sheila came into my life at just the right time and I really feel that I have made a friend for life. She really has transformed the way I feel about food, exercise and mindset and has helped me through the most difficult time in my life!

I will be eternally grateful for the support you have given me and for the friendship that will continue. You’ll have to dust off your dancing shoes and join me to celebrate when my chemo treatment finishes!”

Energy - UP
Excitement for life – UP
Strength – superwoman
Stress – feeling calm and positive
Sleep - great
Food – totally clean and primal
Weight – lost 16lbs
Inches – 2” chest; 4” waist; 3” hips’ 2” thighs

Personally, as a coach, I feel privileged to help someone like Sarah rebuild their strength and confidence. An absolute honour!

#cancer #strength #newlife #superwoman

The Primal Zone logo : what does it mean?

I've often been asked 'what does my logo mean, what does it stand for?'

So now I have my cavewoman meme posing in front of the logo, it is a good time to share.


My story is that for 30+ years I suffered with inflammation of the gut that caused constant headaches, bloating, joint and skin issues, together with exhaustion and depression. All this effected my ability to work, care for my family and live a vibrant life.

How did that make me feel? Pretty miserable, uncomfortable, lonely and out of control.

For the past 12 years, I have been living (and am now coaching) a primal/ancestral lifestyle. This involved an overhaul of what I was putting in my body and how I was moving it, plus looking and mindset and stress factors. Immediately lifechanging. Benefits are:

- weight loss⁣
- improved energy and mental clarity⁣
- reduced bloating and joint pain ⁣
- migraine headaches gone⁣
- improved hormonal balance (lost the hot flushes)⁣
- toned body (fit for 50++++)⁣
- happy and excited for life⁣
- sleep well and wake rested⁣
- move often and when I want⁣
- eat wonderful food in abundance!

I feel better now than I did in my 30's and I've been through many of the trials and tribulations that life and our bodies throw at us.

So you can see why I am passionate about my logo ❤

DM me about your own feelings of frustration about your body, mood, gut, exhaustion and concerns for metabolic and auto-immune conditions. We owe it to ourselves to be our healthiest best.


Was more than excited to be chosen by the fabulous Hunter & Gather (nutrient dense food and supplements) as ‘This Week’s Favourite Find’ in their email publication w/c 7th Feb 2022.

This Week's Favourite Find is THE PRIMAL ZONE, the brainchild of Health & Wellness Coach SHEILA DOCKER, AKA "The Primal Butterfly!"

Sheila is a UK based and primal aligned health coach, whose amazing work is helping middle aged men and women rediscover the happiest and healthiest version of themselves.

With an ancestral approach to nutrition and lifestyle, The Primal Zone can help you to lose weight, gain energy and even take control of autoimmune, metabolic and hormonal issues.

As a member of the Hunter & Gather tribe, we can't think of a health coach more suitable for you. So, why not book your free discovery call with Sheila's team and get started today?



Check out Hunter & Gather products (I use their bovine collagen and MCT oil every day and love their mayo and tomato sauce) and receive a discount via:






A nationwide network of ambassadors has been announced representing the Public Health Collaboration at a local level to nurture a network of people to help inform and implement healthier decisions for where they live.


A balance of healthcare professionals and members of the public were asked to volunteer their time, experience and skills to support the registered charity after successfully passing interviews directly with the charity’s Director, Sam Feltham.


The locations and contact details for each ambassador has been published on the Public Health Collaboration’s website at the following link.


NHS healthcare professionals and members of the public are being encouraged to get in touch with their local ambassador to find out more about how the charity can help improve public health in their area.


The local ambassador for Beaconsfield and surrounding areas in Buckinghamshire is Sheila Docker (


“For 30+ years I suffered with inflammation of the gut that caused constant headaches, bloating, joint and skin issues, together with exhaustion and depression, impacting my ability to work, care for my family and live a vibrant life.


No amount of medication helped and believe me, I befriended many a consultant and their prescriptions. So much so that I ended up having two serious and life changing operations that (if you look at the contraindications) could potentially have been avoided had I not been popping the pills.


Since 2012, I’ve been living a low carb lifestyle. A complete overhaul, specifically what I was putting in my body and how I was moving it. Within weeks:

• energy and mental clarity improved
• weight down
• appetite satisfied
• sleeping well
• bloating gone
• skin clear
• joints pain free
• mood lifted


I have loved this way of living and the understanding what choices influence my mind, body and soul.  Utilising my own 'success story', I am focused on coaching midlife men and women to work towards a life without the common metabolic and autoimmune health challenges that are a result of the global epidemic of today's highly sedentary and processed lifestyle.”


Sam Feltham, Director of the Public Health Collaboration charity said, “It’s an honour to have so many passionate people representing us locally.”


Notes to Editors:

 The Public Health Collaboration is a registered charity dedicated to informing and implementing healthy decisions for the UK. Its founding members include General Practitioner and Vice President of the British Medical Association, Dr Kailash Chand OBE, as well as General Practitioner and National Champion for Obesity and Diabetes for the Royal College of General Practitioners, Dr David Unwin.

 More information about the charity can be found here:

 A video can be found here:


What's YOUR 2022 focus?

Happy New Year!!

Having had time to reflect on what you HAVE achieved in 2021, what is your main health, wellness and happiness focus or goal for 2022?

What is the one thing, that if you get to the end of this year and have achieved it, will give you the biggest sense of satisfaction and make you happy? What would bring on that gorgeous smile?

It could be about having increased energy, losing those extra inches or improving your strength.

Maybe you want to start a new adventure, project or challenge that you’ve been wanting to do for ages.

Or even just take up something that you’ve neglected or forgotten about that brought you joy.

More importantly, wanting to make significant changes to your health that has been neglected and realise that if you want to do the things above, now is the time to commit.

It could be that you would want to think about your challenges without being complacent, upset or frustrated, but look at it from a positive and empowering angle. Knowing that you can be in control (most of the time).

Share your 2022 focus or goal and let's inspire others to do the same!

#inspire #happiness #health

You have only one body. Invest in it!

People change their lives when they finally realise their WHY and say, "I've had enough!"

That's when they decide, commit and DO IT.

If you're tired of going in circles with your health, weight and physical and mental fitness, but getting nowhere fast, DECIDE NOW to make a change and then take action to change.

BUT remember, promises of New Year quick fixes are great although not sustainable, i.e. if you lose the weight quickly, you will undoubtedly put that weight and more back on very quickly.

By following achievable, sustainable, enjoyable steps for long-term energy, improved health, incredible body confidence and enhanced mental clarity, you can and will achieve it.

It's not always easy and you might be feeling you can't be bothered, or it isn't time to invest in yourself, but YOU, your family, your job, your body know that you ARE ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!

Now is the time to be your best self. THRIVE not just SURVIVE.

How are you feeling about yourself right now?

Time to commit to YOU?

Time to invest and show love to your body - you only have the one, it’s pretty bloody brilliant and it works so very hard for you.

If you are feeling sluggish, suffering with gut issues, constant headaches, excess weight, mind fog, your mojo has gone missing and potentially, the doctor has had a few words about your long-term health concerns, i.e. high blood pressure, T2 diabetes, high cholesterol, inflammatory issues, it is time to realise your WHY and practice steps to put you in a much better, healthier and exciting place.

For a FREE and confidential discovery call, please message me to see how The Primal Zone can help YOU achieve this improved you.

Will This Be YOU This Christmas

With festive celebrations underway, we KNOW that we are going to be gorging on food and drink.

Put on a few pounds and 'enjoy' a few hangovers!!

Probably not going to be feeling so great at the start of 2022, but have hopefully enjoyed the excesses and celebrations.

This is not comfortable for everyone though. If you suffer with IBS, leaky gut, Crohn's and other unhealthy and unhappy gut conditions, you are more likely to be saying:

'I enjoyed eating that but now I am suffering and cannot go on the family walk as I have to be near the toilet

My gut is cramping, I'm having sweats because of the pain and just need to lie down.

I've got such awful bloating and embarrassing wind, I would rather be on my own'

Whether you suffer with your gut or not, here's a list of what I have found to be the best foods for stomach health (to be fair, it's like a gift to your gut):

Fermentable fibre
Red wine
Skin, bones, and broth
Fermented foods
Resistant starch
Onions, garlic, and leeks

* obviously in moderation

Want to know why and what some of these foods are? DM me and I'd be delighted to share.

Having suffered for 30 years with inflammatory gut issues myself, I know the pain and discomfort, plus embarrassment that is suffered and how gut health impacts other areas of your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. For my story, please visit :

About us — The Primal Zone

Take care of your body this Christmas, it's the only one you have = treat it well.