Be the oldest in the gym, not the youngest in the care home.

Aging isn’t optional, but how you age is your choice.

Strength training isn’t just about aesthetics, it’s about independence, resilience, and living life on your terms.

Case in point: A recent fall on black ice could have ended with broken bones or concussion. Instead, thanks to my strength, I was able to push myself up into a seated position, shimmy to safety, and use the power in my legs to stand (with the help of a friend’s hand) and ended up with 'just' a nasty shiner.

That moment reinforced just how critical strength, flexibility and balance are, especially as we age.

Why do I prioritise strength, balance, and flexibility:

💪 To feel stronger
❤️ To stay healthier
🤸🏽 To improve flexibility
⚡ To maintain energy
😃 To stay adventurous

And yes, at 60, I feel better than I did in my 30s or 40s. One of my clients even called me "the secret weapon of the over 50s."

But don’t wait until your 50s to ask yourself: What do you want YOUR body and mind to do for you in the next 5, 10, or 20 years?

Muscle mass and bone density start declining in our 30s, making strength, balance, energy, flexibility, and ease of movement non-negotiable. Without them, we risk falls, frailty, aches, poor posture, and weakened body composition.

Remember: Skinny isn’t sexy. Strong is sexy.

Choose the path that keeps you strong, independent, and thriving.

Your future self will thank you. 💪



Somewhere in the blur of everyday life, we can miss the most obvious things staring us in the face.

On a beautiful summer afternoon recently, I spent time at the Stupas near Marlow, less than 10 miles from my home.

I’d like to say I’d discovered them, but a friend had shared some photos of his visit there and I couldn’t believe, having lived most of my life in the area, that I hadn’t heard of them.

I've travelled the world numerous times and want to again, however, sometimes we are looking too far ahead to see what is right in front of us.

These 10 different Tibetan-style stupas built by local residents over 40 years ago, are hidden away along a serene path through woodland. Such a peaceful atmosphere (other than the hum of the M40 in the background, it was perfect).

The lesson? Sometimes, what you’re looking for isn’t out there in the distance; it’s right beside you, waiting to be noticed.

Here’s what I learned:

✅ Pay attention to what’s right in front of you.

✅ Don’t assume that others will always catch what you miss

✅ Sometimes the most important things are closer than you think

✅ Don’t be afraid to adjust your focus

✅ Learn to appreciate the details around you

✅ Not everything needs to be a big discovery—small moments matter too

✅ Embrace your surroundings, even the parts you overlook

✅ Make sure you’re truly seeing and hearing what’s near

Is there something right in front of you that you’ve been overlooking?

Take a closer look, you might be surprised by what you find.

NB: there is a very sad story about the late residents who built the stupas. The late husband and wife, Michael and Tina Choules, were devout buddhists - the latter being brutally murdered in 2016.



Last week I turned 60.

One of my pre-60 challenges, was to achieve a non-assisted pull-up. So that's the reason for sharing the frog kicking chin-up video - I did it, maybe not very glamorously, but I did it!!

This didn't happen overnight and I had to dig deep with consistency, accountability and dismiss the self doubt. I made HUGE progress over the past few months from having a 70kg weight to assist me on the machine down to 5.7kg to relying on just my own body weight. Wowzer.

Now planning to take this new challenge further. Any suggestions?

As my quote says, I'm feeling:

💪 stronger
❤️ healthier
🤸🏽 fitter
⚡ more energised
😃 and adventurous

than when I was in my 30s and 40s.

Part of that is because of my own 30 years health challenges, which impacted my mental and physical health, performance, confidence, mood, presence. However, during those 30 years, I still:

- travelled the world
- worked in an international corporate role
- had 2 limited companies
- raised a family

15 years ago, following 2 operations, I took matters into my own hands and transformed my life and health. Never looked back.

So here I am now coaching and transforming the lives of others. One client called me 'the secret weapon of the over 50s'.

But don't wait until your 50s to ask yourself what you would like YOUR body and mind to do for you in the next 5, 10, 20 years and beyond.

So why am I doing this? Why do I want to be strong?

As we age we lose muscle mass and bone density - this starts in our 30s.

We need to ensure we have:

💪🏽 strength
⚖️ balance
⚡ energy
🤸🏽 flexibility
🏃🏻‍♀️ ease of movement

so that we may prevent frailty, falls, aches and pains, broken bones and weakened body composition and bad posture.

Remember - skinny is not sexy, strong is sexy!!

hashtag#health hashtag#strength hashtag#strongbody hashtag#resistance hashtag#weighttraining hashtag#ladiescanlift hashtag#mentalhealth hashtag#proactiveageing



If you look for it you will find!

At the beginning of this year, I said I would be open to opportunities that encouraged learning new skills, meeting new people, having fun and, potentially, putting myself out of my comfort zone.

My wish list is not overly long, but it certainly is exciting and ticking boxes that I didn't know needed ticking

So, when Mark Harris (who presents The MarlowFM Business Show every other week) suggested that I host alternate weeks after I was a guest on his show on 4th January - I deliberated only for a short while and jumped in.

I have thrown myself into the training required and really enjoying the challenge of preparing to be producer, sound engineer and host!

My first 'live' show is on 2pm Thursday, 21st March (and fortnightly thereafter!).

I'm looking forward to being on air with exciting guests and conversations and already have guests lined up for the first 3 shows.

The format of my show will be a short chat about 'your' business, business conversations with the topics agreed in advance, and a music choice from each guest.

If you'd like to be a guest on the show, please do contact me directly.

I want to thank Mark for putting his trust in me. Really looking forward to this adventure.



So today I’m injecting a little bit of fun into the day as we have navigated our first week introduction to the new year.

Whilst I have a passion for helping you achieve your transformations in life, I thought it would be cool to share a few facts about myself. An opportunity for you to get to know me a bit better.⁣

So let’s begin.⁣


I was a $ millionaire at 30⁣

💥 then ouch, it didn’t last as the dotcom bubble burst!


I provided financial support to Richard Branson in the early 90’s⁣

🚙 he needed change for the carpark machine at the top of Whiteleys shopping centre in London – back in the day when he used to wear THOSE jumpers!⁣


I LOVE travelling and backpacked for two years with a friend across Australasia⁣

🌍 without internet, mobile phones, credit cards or location tracker. Who remembers the blue airmail letters?⁣


I hugged The Man In Black (Johnny Cash)⁣

🎶 in an alleyway following a gig at the Shepherds Bush Empire, London.⁣


I had a gun pointed at me when I broke curfew in Kathmandu. ⁣

⁣❌ stupid travellers’ antics and was severely reprimanded by the hostel owner and the police. Don’t mess with curfews in other countries.⁣

Which of the above facts surprised you most?

Did it bring back memories of your own adventures or a special occasion, of times you may have put yourself accidently in danger or maybe a ‘ta-da’ moment that you had forgotten.⁣

What memories are you hoping to build this year and beyond?



You’ve worked hard all year and, as a leader, have prioritised almost everyone and everything over your own health.

You’re feeling sluggish and exhausted, already heavier than you want to be and now entering into the indulgences of Christmas, you’re going to add on even more weight and be further away from a healthy you than ever before.

You’re not alone and I’m not here to make you feel guilty or a failure: life can be manic and we always promise ourselves that we’ll start again on Monday.

Time is nearly up this year but you know you need to do something about it, and now.

Here’s how I can help you with that:

I have an offer for just 5 people that allows you to avoid the wait for well intended (but never achieved) New Year's resolutions and cut through the noise of Christmas.

"The Before 2024 Booster: 90 min bespoke strategy session"

Leave 2023 behind with a solid plan, accountability and achievable goals to turn your health around.

Enter 2024 feeling confident, energised, standing tall and proud, with inflammation in check and a reflection in the mirror that makes you think, "Dang, I look good!"

Until Friday, 22nd December, I'm extending a festive discount on my one-off 90-minute strategy call, focusing on a sustainable change in one area of your mental or physical health.

YOU choose your most pressing health issue (mental or physical) and by the end of our session, you'll have a solid plan, knowledge and the confidence to overcome it. You may be wishing to:

✅ Feel confident in choosing the right foods everyday to keep your weight off long term without feeling hungry.

✅ Feel more energetic, confident and able to make clear and good decisions in life and work

✅ Discover movement that is strengthening, enhances your physical fitness, balance, flexibility and tone, so you can feel stronger and fitter in your midlife years

✅ Learn how to reduce stress and anxiety to guarantee you are sharper, focused and more confident

✅ Learn how to reduce bloating to ensure you can reduce your medication, stop feeling uncomfortable and start enjoying going out without the embarrassment

✅ Know the secret to getting your sexy back, with improved hormones and libido

This is absolutely achievable. All for just £147 (usual price £247) - this could be the Christmas present for yourself that pays you back the whole year around.

Message me BOOST to secure your spot now and let's make today 'day one', instead of 'one day.'

Any questions, please call or book your place on


20 YEARS OF BACK ACNE - GONE! (Simon's story 49)


For nearly two decades, Simon had been battling with back acne - an embarrassing, angry, and irritating skin condition. Despite many visits to dermatologists, the application of topical lotions, and heavy-duty antibiotics, the problem wouldn’t go away.

Simon worked with me for three months and we focussed on the root cause of his issue. Very often the case, his problem wasn't just skin deep but was also related to inflammation caused by huge stress and aspects of his diet.

We worked on making sustainable changes to his lifestyle and diet, especially reducing his stress levels and altered his food habits to combat inflammation.

During those three months, his back acne calmed and cleared.

He began feeling comfortable and confident again.

He could return to swimming and going to the gym, activities he enjoyed but had stopped due to embarrassment.

If you're struggling with similar issues, remember that you're not alone.

It's all about understanding the underlying issues and making the necessary changes.

Are you ready to experience feeling fitter, stronger, and healthier?

Are you excited to get back to the sports and hobbies you love?

Are you ready to gain control over your constant health issues and potentially come off medications?

If you answered 'yes' to these questions, then it's time for a change.

Committing to change is when the magic happens.

The first step is always the hardest, but once you uncover the secret to feeling energetic, confident, and making clear and good decisions, you'll feel more in control and empowered in your life.

If YOU are ready to experience sustainable and positive change yourself, DM me to join my 360Prime 12-week 1:1 programme.



Wow! These photos are 21 years apart.

The first taken with my then nearly 4 year old daughter, Charlie, who is now a beautiful 25 year old woman (and I had a 6 year old son, Nathan, now 27).

The second photo was taken in Bournemouth in October this year.

How I felt in both is opposite ends of the scale and amazing that at nearly 60, I feel so much stronger, energised and healthier than I did in my 30s.

With many before and afters, you can visually see the transformation. However, some struggles are well hidden and leave people unaware of how that person truly is.


I had bloating and brain fog which left me feeling self conscious of social situations, work presentations and travel schedules.

I wasn’t sleeping. My energy and mood was up and down all the time and this then impacted my confidence.

I felt like I was purely existing and this was as good as life got.

I was feeling fed up and missing out on life. I was just surviving rather than thriving.

WHAT CHANGED? Two operations and lots of meds causing horrible side effects were...


Taking responsibility for my own life, rather than relying on doctors and prescriptions, I stripped everything right back to basics.

I overhauled EVERY area of my diet and lifestyle. Got back to my foundation of exercise, sleep, meditation, eating well and began to immediately see the benefits, which are sustainable and pretty bloody amazing (check 2023)!

I practised what I preach, and now help others move away from feeling stuck in a midlife rut, rediscover and regain good health, strength, energy, lose weight and boost body confidence, mentally and physically for the rest of your life.

MY BIGGEST LESSON? I waited 30 years to make change.


DM 360PRIME if you want to be 2023, not 2002!



Only recently, someone said; “Oh my gosh, Sheila, you have such incredibly interesting clients," and it's true!

I feel blessed that I have helped to transform the confidence, strength and health of some pretty amazing people. 

Watch the video to see if you recognise any of the heroes in your world! You'll be blown away.

So, let's look at what binds these incredible people together beyond their labels.

Whether they're public service heroes, entrepreneurial business owners, or cancer survivors, they all share common bonds—responsibilities, caregiving roles, and the wisdom that comes with decades of varied experiences (with age comes wisdom!).

Also, beyond the glamour and excitement, my clients, like many of us, have, faced broken hearts, lost confidence, and the challenges of aging.

The key is not accepting that as an inevitable part of life whether you are in your 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s or beyond.

My clients wanted to find out what it means to feel strong, energised, and mentally and physically healthy, no matter their age. It's about celebrating who you are and visualising the best version of yourself for the decades ahead.

For me, that's what makes my clients so interesting. And, of course, we are ALL unique with our own superpowers, our own experiences (good and bad) which makes us the amazing people we are. 

I’d like you to reflect on the following:

- Take a moment to actually congratulate yourself on your achievements

- What would your younger self think of where you are now? Have you been a good role model?

- Look at areas for improvement where you can make a difference to your current situation.

- Seriously, where you want to be mentally and physically in the next 5, 10, or 20 years.

- Get rid toxic things! These can be relationships, jobs, habits, and other things that don't bring joy.

So you see, how incredibly unique YOU are.

Ask yourself: How's is it going for you?

Go away, reflect, celebrate, and picture a future filled with positive health, energy, strength, and confidence.

Your journey is uniquely yours, you are your own superhero — SO OWN IT!



A report from The Chartered Institute for Professional Development (CIPD) and Simplyhealth are calling on businesses to create a supportive culture around health in the workplace.

It comes after the organisations analysed sickness absence and employee health among 918 organisations, representing 6.5 million employees.

They found that staff were absent from work for an average of 7.8 days over the past year – the highest rate seen in more than 10 years.

Stress is now a major contributor to short and long-term absences, the report suggests, with 76% of respondents saying they took time off work in the past year for that reason. The top cause of long-term absences is mental ill health at 63% while the top cause for short-term absences are minor illnesses at 94%.

“It’s good to see that slightly more organisations are approaching health and wellbeing through a stand-alone strategy.

“This means managing the main risks to people’s health from work to prevent stress as well as early intervention to prevent health issues from escalating where possible.”

Are you ready to invest in building a healthy, high-performing team?

Improve your employees' performance, productivity, and engagement with tailored workshops from The Primal Zone.

Discover practical strategies for leading a fulfilling life, learn techniques to maintain a healthy lifestyle, explore the connection between physical fitness and mental wellbeing, and more.

Invest in your team's wellbeing and watch them thrive.

Contact me to chat about delivering the business benefits of a focus on wellbeing in the workplace.
