Know Your Worth


Are you allowing people/things to negatively influence your life?

I'd say 'man up' or 'get a grip', but I have been there, so....

By letting others’ opinions or situations influence MY life I was being completely dragged down for years.

In what way? In my:

- confidence
- finances
- choices
- health
- relationships

MY WAKE UP? I had ignored my supportive and loving community (I didn't want to hear the TRUTH) and it took courage to reach out. Painful to admit mistakes made, I'd 'failed' and let people down. Time to move forward.

I took some big steps. Invested in myself, got a coach and cleared the baggage out. It took time, but time invested is nothing compared to where I may have been.

My favourite mantra is KEEP START STOP. The past year or so of lockdown rules has given us time for reflection, so ideal to share again. Helped me build my new life, career, confidence, positivity, health and happiness.

· things/people that drag you down
· holding onto past negativity
· personal sabotage

· people/things that encourage, inspire and motivate
· tasks/adventures that help you build in strength, confidence and character
· believing in yourself

· removing negativity
· embracing mistakes made
· realising your WHY
· self love

#mindfulness #strength #confidence