Primal Law 7 = Play

This has to be one of the Primal laws that I have learnt to practice more.

Sometimes we forget or get tied up with 'life' that we neglect the simple element of bringing more play into our lives.

Play is a big component of a primal lifestyle. It is true that all work and no play makes Jack/Jill a dull boy/girl. As we work longer hours, are more sedentary, eat significant amounts of ultra processed foods and carry high levels of stress, it really is important to focus on the benefits of play.

It doesn’t have to be climbing trees, playing tag or throwing frisbees, but can be some simple pleasures like walking, laughing with friends, enjoying the outdoors, listening and dancing to music, knitting, cooking or even splashing around in the sea, etc. Whatever takes your body and headspace to a ‘play’ mode.

Play is enjoyable, solidifies social bonds and prompts the release of endorphins helping to reduce the effects of the chronic stress hormones that are accumulated throughout the week.

Try to fit play into your week. REMEMBER : “work is what you have to do, play is what you want to do” Alice in Wonderland

#play #endorphins #fun