10 steps to leave the house

Good habits make you

A positive morning routine helps us set the tone for the day, better allowing us to control our schedules rather than our schedule controlling us. As we start each day fresh, we can better focus on what is in front of us, where to prioritize our time, and, ultimately, increase our overall wellbeing.

1. Dreams - As soon as you wake, try to remember your dreams

Sleep is the glue that binds new information into the brain. Whilst asleep, your brain subconsciously organises the information processed from the day and attempts to solve problems you may be facing. Remembering your dreams helps to kick start the neurological pathways in your brain and can help to solve dilemmas or challenges you may be facing.

How to remember your dreams?


Decide: The night before, decide you will remember all dreams.

Record: Keep voice memo or writing tools close to bed to record dreams.

Eyes: Don't open your eyes until you can recall dream. Opening your eyes can distract your memory with unrelated stimuli.

Affirm: Affirm as you wake that you will recall your dreams, reinforce the goal

Manage: Manage your sleep by clearing your mind and establishing nighttime hygiene and sleep patterns.

Share: Get used to sharing your dreams with others, this gets you into the habit of bringing dreams to the surface.

2. Bed - Make your bed

Doing something as simple as making your bed starts your day with a win, leaving you feeling accomplished. It cultivates self-discipline, makes you more intentional about your thoughts and action...habits become you.

3. Hydrate - Drink a full glass of water

During the night your body repairs itself and attempts to cast out toxins. This process utilizes water leaving you dehydrated after hours of sleep. Drinking a full glass of water starts rehydration and stimulates faster growth of red blood cells generating more oxygen in your blood for your body and most importantly, your brain.

4. Teeth - Clean your teeth with your left hand

Using your opposite hand will strengthen neural connections in your brain, and even grow new ones. It’s similar to how physical exercise improves your body’s functioning and grows muscles.

5. Cold Shower - Don’t hate me... WHY you may ask!?

Cold therapy reduces inflammation in the body and serves as a nervous system reset. The sympathetic nervous system is activated, and the blood level of beta-endorphin and nor-adrenaline is increased. These endorphins, or ‘feel good’ hormones help to give you a sense of wellbeing. Additionally, due to the high density of cold receptors in the skin, a cold shower sends an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings into the brain, resulting in an anti-depressive effect. It also trains you to do difficult things. Each time you overcome a struggle you gain strength and by doing this each morning you’re practicing doing something uncomfortable. When you train yourself to do difficult things first thing in the morning, it will show up in other areas of your life.

*Start slow and build up to a full length 5 minute cold shower over time. Start with intervals of cold to luke warm.

6. Mindfulness - Training for your brain

Mindfulness is like training for your brain. It means keeping a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.

Why be mindful? Mindfulness practices help to increase our ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression. It can also help to focus our attention, as well as to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgement. As we become more present in our lives and in relation to others, it can help us to make better decisions, to manage our emotions and to be more fully engaged in life.

This is a fantastic FREE app that takes you through mindfulness step by step. You can download it on either a laptop or smartphone.

7. Mobility - Body Mind Connection

Improves circulation around the body, helps to reduce muscular-skeletal pain and encourage proper postural alignment. What’s good for your body is also good for your brain, this movement stimulates your heartbeat which in turn means more blood flow, and so oxygen, to your brain and that's very important.

5-minute mobility below:

  1. Bridge reach overs x 20

  2. 4 point cat & cow x 10

  3. Downward dog to hip drop x 10

  4. Push up step lunge x 10

  5. T – opens x 10

8. Smoothie - Brain and Body Smoothie

Getting the right nutrients are not only important for your brain but your body too.

  • Avocado - Rich in fats to nourish our brain.

  • Blueberries - contain antioxidants and phytochemicals to improve cognitive function.

  • Green leafy vegetables - Great for protecting your neurons.

  • Soaked walnuts - Shaped like a brain and packed with healthy fats for brain health.

  • Raw Macca – Boosting energy, endurance and mood.

  • Raw cacao - Mood and mind boosting properties.

  • (Optional) Teaspoon of honey or REAL maple syrup for sweetness.


  • 1/4 of an avocado

  • 1/2 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)

  • 1 handful of spinach or kale

  • A small handful of walnuts (can soak overnight)

  • 1 tbsp raw cacao and macca powder

  • 1 cup of nut milk of choice

  • 1 cup of coconut water or tap water

9. Read - Readers are leaders

The human brain is an organ that improves through mental stimulation. The brain continuously adapts, grows and rewires itself through the growth of new neurons. When people age, it’s common that they experience memory loss and sometimes their fine motor skills – but unless the mental decline is caused by disease, most age-related memory, and motor skill ability loss is from lack of brain exercise. If you don’t use your brain, it loses its knowledge.

10. Leave the house with a smile on your mind!

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Source : Elliot Harris 2020